Chocolat to a sweet...

Chocolate Memories
We stirred chocolate
Smooth, bubbling, tantalizing,
Then spread it on a marble slab
And watched it turn to fudge,
A mouth-watering, soul quenching
Memory to take to my dreams.
I gave you bitter chocolate tears,
Laced with cointreau
And you took each one tenderly
Concentrating on the nuance
Of flavor, your eyes never
Leaving my face.
On holy days only white chocolate would do,
Each one more pure than the last
With a hint of innocence
As the last bit melted on your tongue.
Cold winter nights
We sipped chocolate stirred with
Kaluha and topped with cream
Like a peak of snow.
You held me in your arms
And your passion knew no limits.
We made each other valentines of chocolate.
Mine had the fresh taste of mint
And held words of love.
I ate slowly, savoring each bite.
Yours was dark, with zest of orange.
Your eyes opened in surprise
As you nibbled the edges.
You are gone these many years,
But each time chocolate graces my tongue,
Melting like one season into another,
Bittersweet memories fill my mouth
and my eyes overflow with tears.
Raynette Eitel
Estás a tentar-me com os chocolates? o coraçãozinho doce está mesmo a tentar-me.
Também gostei do poema doce.
eu???? naaaaaaa
é o pirata. estas por ai?
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